Kershaw's pop-a-shot game is on point

There's a popular theory going around that we're all going to come out of this current period of social distancing with a bunch of new and well-developed skills. We'll be a society filled with guitar virtuosos, experts on the Peloponnesian War and gourmet chefs. Others may emerge with skills that are less noble or obviously useful than those, but that doesn't mean they'll be any less impressive.

Not content to rest on the laurels of his pitching talent, Clayton Kershaw appears to be committed into expanding his athletic range during this period. He's supplemented his typical workout routine with at least a few rounds of pop-a-shot.

He already seems to be a pretty good player, which leads one to suspect he's putting in more time with the game than his wife lets on. Still, the two missed shots indicate there remains room for improvement. Given Kershaw's well-established athletic ability, no one will be shocked if he's an unbeatable force on the pop-a-shot when he returns to the Dodgers.

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