Andrew McCutchen's newest short film depicts an all-too-relatable doctor’s waiting room scene

Andrew McCutchen is a man of many talents. On the baseball field, he's a former MVP playing a big role at the top of the NL East-leading Phillies' dynamic lineup. Off the field, he's a captivating personality quickly making a name for himself as a maker of short films on social media.

On Monday, the Phillies embarked on a road trip to St. Louis, which means only one thing in our hearts: Cutch is back with a new film on his Instagram story. In his latest work, he brings us an awkward and painfully familiar scene.

One doesn't have to look far to see how this may well be a case of art imitating life. Just this offseason, Cutch had an eerily similar experience in an elevator.

If this film came with credits, then, it would definitely note that it was based on a true story. Good on McCutchen to mine his life experiences for inspiration. It's what all good filmmakers do.

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