This softball player smashed stadium lights with HR

Try hitting a softball a country mile and you're -- usually -- going to wind up disappointed. That is, unless you're Michael Bolton or softball player Jicama Reveles. Playing for Kings Slowpitch Softball, Reveles absolutely hammered a pitch and knocked out one of the stadium lights.

Perhaps even more impressive, Reveles doesn't appear fazed. He simply hands his bat off and walks out of frame. That's power.

According to Eli Aguilar on the team's Facebook page, the game had to be moved to another field because there was shattered glass all over the field. I guess they didn't show that part in "The Natural."

If you want to see that happen on a big league field, you may not have to wait much longer. The White Sox's Eloy Jiménez did it twice in the Minor Leagues.

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