A proud dad was completely shocked when his son threw his home run ball back

A father and son in Astros gear were positioned in the bleachers in left field during Thursday's game against the Angels in Anaheim, when Alex Bregman crushed a solo homer.

Excitement ensued, as the ball landed in a smattering of fans and the Astros dad wound up with the prized souvenir. What a great bonding moment for father and son! Surely a memory they'll never forget, right?

Well, yes, but ... um ... it was awkward.

The kid's rejection of the home run ball aside, the reaction from everybody in the frame is worth the price of admission all in its own. Dad's mixture of confusion, shock and the sudden realization that the ball's gone, to the woman in the upper-right corner doing the "OH NO, what is that kid doing??!" thing:

Epic, but not for the best reason. Fortunately, the ball did not make it all the way back to the field and another fan returned it to the father and son.

They ended up with a baseball and a story. Not bad, all told.

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