This season, you have the opportunity to become part of Boch's Coaches, an exclusive group that brings together the best coaches from across all Junior Giants leagues.

Complete the THREE STEPS* below, and you will earn a special hat that identifies you as a certified Boch's Coach!

  1. Complete Junior Giants University: Volunteers 101**
  2. Attend your league's preseason Coach & Team Parent Meeting
  3. Attend your league's Fundamentals Clinic (may be combined with your league's Coach & Team Parent Meeting)

*In addition to completing the 3 steps outlined, volunteers must register to coach and complete the Sports Engine and any applicable agency background check in order to qualify to coach and become a Boch's Coach.

**To receive credit for completing the course, refer to the email you received when you registered for Junior Giants. If you no longer have access to it, please email [email protected] with your league name and include that you are looking for the Junior Giants University: Volunteers 101 course for your league.