This 2-year-old is the cutest pitching prospect

What's his spin rate, though?

January 26th, 2020

Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. You have to make sure your children are happy and healthy and, perhaps most important of all, that their pitching mechanics are in check.

At least there is one parent out there who knows the important things and here's the proof: This 2-year-old checks all the boxes that the tee-ball scouts are looking for in a prospect.

Just check out this form:

Now, I'm not sure what you were like as a toddler, but I can promise you that when I was two, I was having more trouble just standing under my own power, much less kicking back and firing strike after strike.

He's got all the moves down -- he kicks the "dirt" around the rubber, stares in for the sign and even fiddles with his grip, which is frankly amazing considering his hands aren't even big enough to really hold the ball.

I don't want to say we're watching the Mozart of the mound, but ... we're watching the Mozart of the mound right now.