Angels name Swanson director of amateur scouting

August 24th, 2016

ANAHEIM -- The Angels have hired Matt Swanson as their new director of amateur scouting, the club announced on Wednesday. Swanson previously served as the Cardinals' cross-checker for the Midwest region for nearly three years.
One of Swanson's major tasks early on will be to oversee the 2017 Draft. The Angels are likely to have a Top 10 pick for the first time since 2000.
Swanson, 33, also worked as an area scout for the Cardinals, covering Northern California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii. He held that position for five years before being promoted to Midwest cross-checker in November 2013.
"We are excited to add someone with Matt's resume, depth, and passion to our department," Angels general manager Billy Eppler said in a statement. "He has a clear vision with practical knowledge, and he is a welcome addition to our front office."
Swanson fills the position of Ric Wilson, who was removed from the job earlier this month. Wilson is considering another position in the Angels' front office.
During his years with the Cardinals, Swanson was listed as the signing scout for seven players who reached the Majors: second baseman , outfielders and , infielder , right-handers and and left-hander .
Swanson was a 13th-round pick in the 2005 Draft out of the University of California, and he went on to pitch three seasons in the Pirates' organization. At Cal, Swanson was teammates with future big leaguers , and .