Aníbal asked to leave stands; Long ejected
First it was Stephen Strasburg, then it was Aníbal Sánchez.
The Nationals right-hander was asked to leave the stands for arguing calls while sitting in the Camden Yards stands in the top of the second inning of Sunday afternoon's 6-5 win over the Orioles. Initially, the removal from the seats was ruled an ejection by home-plate umpire Will Little. Manager Dave Martinez clarified the scenario following the game.
“Sánchez didn’t get thrown out of the game,” he said. “He just got asked to leave the stands. He just had to leave. So that's why I went over to him and just told him to go inside.”
Only there is no going inside the clubhouse this season, per health and safety protocols. Instead, Sánchez sat in one of the tunnels for the remainder of the game.
“That’s what [second-base umpire] Angel [Hernandez] said,” Martinez recounted. “He said, ‘Can you have him just leave?’ That’s what he told me. So I said, ‘What do you mean, leave?’ ‘Just don’t let him sit in the stands no more.’ I said, ‘Sure, sure. Come on, Sanchie!’”
Hitting coach Kevin Long was ejected. He and Sánchez had been expressing their displeasure about strikes called against Juan Soto on pitches from Orioles reliever Jorge López. The at-bat ended with Soto striking out on three consecutive called strikes.
Sánchez's exit drew similarities to Thursday in New York, when Strasburg was ejected from the Citi Field stands the day before his scheduled start. Sánchez is slated to start on Monday in Atlanta.
“We're all competing, and we're all trying to do the best and those things happen,” Martinez said. “It kind of stinks that you can hear everything. I try to muffle everything with this mask, and if I do say something, I try to cover up my mouth, but it's just part of the game. But it is ugly, I'm not going to lie to you. Sometimes you say things that you really don't want to say. It just happens.”