Baseball a family affair for Jake Lamb

D-backs star's brother a freshman pitcher for University of Washington

May 7th, 2018

PHOENIX -- loves talking about his younger brother.
"I tend to brag about him quite a bit," Jake said.
Dylan Lamb is a freshman pitcher for the University of Washington Huskies, Jake's alma mater. The Huskies were in town to face Arizona State this past weekend, and Jake's parents and sister also made the trip. Jake, who is currently on the disabled list with a left shoulder injury, saw his family but wasn't able to attend a game.
Dylan didn't pitch over the weekend, but he holds a 3.00 ERA over 24 innings this season. He has 21 strikeouts. Jake can't help but marvel at Dylan's transformation as a baseball player.
In high school, Dylan tried playing first and third base. It didn't work out well because he wasn't a consistent hitter. It frustrated him.
"I think, naturally, some people were kind of comparing him to me, and he acknowledged it," Jake said. "He was like, 'You know, I don't really like that.'"
When Dylan arrived at Washington, the coaches converted him to a full-time pitcher.
"He's a sidearmer and he's got a nice little slider, but other than that, he doesn't really have anything," Jake said. "But he competes, he'll go right after you, he doesn't care who you are. He's not really afraid of the moment, and the mental side of his game is extremely impressive, especially for his age."
Obviously, Jake would love for his younger brother to reach the big leagues. But if Dylan doesn't, Jake knows he'll still be successful in life because of his attitude and work ethic.
Those traits are more important to Jake than the movement or velocity on Dylan's pitches.
"When I was his age, I was a crybaby," Jake said. "I would whine and make excuses. That's the biggest thing -- he does not make a single excuse. If a guy makes an error behind him, then he gives up a hit and it scores a run, he says he didn't make his pitch, rather than, 'So and so didn't make a play.'"
Jake may enjoy bragging about Dylan, but he also knows he's still the older brother.
"I'd probably take him deep in two pitches," he joked.