Price shows increased strength in elbow

March 25th, 2017

FORT MYERS, Fla. -- 's latest check-in with Boston's medical staff showed strength gains in his left elbow, which led to the first gradual step of a throwing program on Saturday.
"Felt good. Felt normal. No restrictions. So it was a good day," said Price.
The throwing was a short game of catch but a welcome step forward nonetheless.
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"[There were] strength improvements to the point of putting the ball back in his hand a little more consistently," said manager John Farrell. "Today's the first step for that. A short game of catch. That's what he's going through. Not off a mound but just to get the arm moving with a ball in flight, and he will continue in this phase for a period of time. There's no set distance and volume yet to the throws."
The Red Sox think the strength in Price's left elbow now matches what it was coming into camp, before he suffered the strain in a simulated game on Feb. 28.
"From a strength standpoint, yes," said Farrell. "Just as a measure. But obviously, just coming into camp, you're also throwing consistent bullpens, and there's a lot more volume to the throwing, and we're not at that point yet."
The inevitability of opening the season on the disabled list is tough for Price to process.
"Yeah, I mean, it's tough," Price said. "Some guys can handle the DL and be all right, and some guys, the DL's not meant for them. I feel like I'm one of those guys. It's tough, but I'm getting through it."
What all Red Sox fans want to know is when they can expect to see Price back in the rotation, but it's simply too early to tell.
It's doubtful that Price will pitch in April, but he hopes to be a big factor during the months that count the most.
"Yeah, hopefully. That's the goal, that's the plan," he said. "All my strength numbers are really good. Everything looks good right now. It's not something you want to have to go through, but if you do it the right way and treat it the right way, you can come back stronger and ready to go."