Votto wanted game to end -- for fried chicken

'I didn't want another at-bat. ... I wanted some fried chicken'

September 3rd, 2020
Art by Tom Forget

Sometimes, you enjoy doing what you're doing at a given moment. It could be your job, binging the latest Netflix series, spending time with family or hanging out with friends.

Other times, you're distracted while doing these things. You have something else on your mind. There's a hunger -- a deep, insatiable desire -- clawing its way through your stomach to the very tips of the nerve endings inside your brain.

You need some fried chicken and you need it now.

That's what happened to Joey Votto during the Reds’ 4-3 walk-off win over the Cards on Wednesday night. He told MLB.com's Mark Sheldon just as much afterward.

“In the back third of the game, I was yelling to my teammates, I don’t want to hit anymore," Votto said. "I’m done. Somebody end it. And I meant it. I didn’t want another at-bat. I had enough at-bats for the day. Not because I didn’t get hits, because I wanted to get some fried chicken."

When none of his teammates responded to break the 3-3 tie and get Votto his chicken, the Reds first baseman decided he'd just do it himself in the bottom of the ninth.

And that was it. The Reds had a big win and, most importantly, Votto could finally eat.

After the game, reporters were curious as to what place might be open in Cincinnati this late at night. Maybe they felt that rapacious hunger for fried chicken, too.

“They don’t pay me, so I’m not going to provide free advertising," Votto said. "But if I walk through the door and you see me, holler at my agent. Maybe I’ll do some advertising. All right, have a great night everyone.”