Miggy's hug among Thursday's top GIFs

May 6th, 2016

Here are the Top GIFs from Thursday's games, courtesy of @MLBgifs:
1. Miggy shows the love
Sometimes if you buy a ticket to a game, Miguel Cabrera will throw in a free hug -- even if you're a Cleveland fan.
Gif: Miguel Cabrera hug
2. Someone get the pruning shears
This deep drive hit by Kris Bryant disappeared, but not because it went over the fence. Such is life in a ballpark with ivy-covered walls.
Gif: Bryant hits a double into the ivy
3. He should play fewer day games
Is that black-clad, sharp-toothed man Brett Lawrie or Dracula?
Gif: Brett Lawrie looks like a vampire AB
4. Just a couple of BFF's
The Cubs' Javier Baez isn't exactly camera-shy.
Gif: Baez and Hendricks strike a pose
5. That's one sweet play
Maybe the Astros should give this cotton candy vendor a tryout?
Gif: Concession man catches ball
6. A baker's dozen
If you score 13 runs in a game, you're doing great. The Rockies did that in just the fifth inning against the Giants, and no, the game was not even at Coors Field.
Gif: Rockies score 13 runs in the 5th inning