Oct. 10 Bruce Bochy pregame interview

October 10th, 2016

Q. Obviously question. Do you bring up 2012 in Cincinnati? Do you just try to evoke that to the guys? Is someone assigned to do that? What does 2012 have to do with this, do you think?
BRUCE BOCHY: Well, they're very much aware of what happened then, and that's an experience they can draw on. You should be able to draw on all your past experiences in this game, and it makes it a little bit easier for them to realize that this can be done, it's not as big an uphill climb as you think, because it's been done.
And not just that year, it's been done in other years with other clubs. Personally, I can go back to Flan (Tim Flannery) and I, we were in the same boat in '84, lost the first two against this club in Chicago and we came back and won three.
So it just gives them that sense of belief, I think, that, you know what? This can be done. But it starts with tonight. You have to win tonight.
Q. Difference between '84 and 2012 is you played all three games in Cincinnati down 0-2 and you played all three games in San Diego down 0-2. What do the fans have -- are they a consideration in all of this? And looking back at that other series in '84, what -- how significant were they in your comeback?
BRUCE BOCHY: Oh, they played a critical role, I think, in '84 in that comeback and how they -- when we got back, how they came out to support us and of course the game itself. It's always good to be home. Now, in 2012 we had to do it on the road.
But, again, it starts with we have to find a way to win tonight. Now, you can get the momentum going back in your side. So that's the key. And I guess the difference is that they're not all played here, but it doesn't matter, it's all about tonight right now.
Q. Maybe looking to the next game, you got Moore slotted. Was there some thought that you wanted him to pitch here more than you wanted him to pitch on the road?
BRUCE BOCHY: Really, we could have gone with either Jeff or Matt there in the second game. But we just felt like this was the better way to go. Now, it didn't go great with Jeff, but you look at his body of work and the last 10, 12 games, it's been really good.
Matt's been throwing the ball well here, so you're hoping to at least get a split there. That's what you're hoping when all this was decided and now you're set up pretty good here. But it didn't happen, and now we have to find a way to win every game.
Q. That near no-hitter for Moore was the most pitches anybody threw in a game this year. Obviously, his arm didn't fly off when he came back. How did he return to that, and do you think -- or after that. And do you think too much is made of pitch counts and limits?
BRUCE BOCHY: Yeah, he actually came back and threw the ball well. We did protect him his last start. I think he threw around 90 pitches, in that area, but threw a nice ball game. I just took him out to give him a break because of the previous game.
Yeah, I do think too much is made of the pitch count. Every game's different for these starters. Some they labor a little bit more; some pitchers can handle that better than others. I think your veterans are built up a little bit better. I think how we developed or develop these kids in Minor Leagues, we watch them so carefully that you can't jump them up here right away.
But you get an experienced veteran, it's a little easier to do that with. I let Timmy go even more pitches than that, and he did just fine.
So, I think once in a while it's pretty -- it actually works for the pitcher. It builds arm strength. Now a hundred, 110 pitches seems easier than what it normally is if you've thrown 120 or 130 pitches. So I think that it can benefit them, too.
Q. You mentioned Samardzija didn't have a great outing, he only pitched two innings, not a lot of pitches. Is he available tonight?
BRUCE BOCHY: He is available tonight. Yeah, he's available to pitch, pinch run, anything. He'll have his spikes on. And with the day off, he's good to go.
Q. Does your routine change any for a game like this as opposed to other games?
BRUCE BOCHY: No, no, got here to the park, started preparing, really hasn't changed at all. The postseason is pretty busy, coming in here and the different media that I have to talk to. But that routine stays the same.
So, no, it doesn't change. And I don't want the players to change their routine either. You're better off staying in your routine. You're a lot more comfortable.
Q. The bullpen sort of solidified itself down in the last week, but I think you only had one ninth inning-save situation in a couple of weeks. And we know who the closer is, but who are the key setup guys? Who would be the -- how is that aligned?
BRUCE BOCHY: I think you can look at Strickland, Smitty, Lopez helping out there, Law. Romo could go an inning plus. He could help out there, too.
When you're in a game like this, you use any of them any time. If it's a really critical situation in the 6th or 7th, you got to use who you think your best guy is.
Q. You've been coaching, managing, playing against the Cubs for 35 years. From the outside looking in, is there that baggage no matter what team it is that plays in Chicago that they have to carry with them because of this long streak?
BRUCE BOCHY: Yeah, I think when you look at the group of guys and Joe, I think they're -- they have done a great job of not even talking about the baggage or the history. I don't think it's playing a part like it has in the past because of the pros they have over there. When you have the experienced guys in that rotation like Lester and Lackey, I'll throw in there, of course Jake and those guys aren't going to let something like that play a part in their season, and the guys you are putting out there on the field, too.
So I don't see that being something they're thinking about.
Q. Madison's on his normal rest, and Arrieta has had 12 days' rest. Last outing threw -- gave up seven runs. Do you put any stock into the fact that maybe you're catching Arrieta at the right time and Madison with his normal rest?
BRUCE BOCHY: In a game like this, you just expect to see the guy that you normally would see. With added rest, it benefits some pitchers; some are a little rusty. It's hard to say.
But I expect their guy to be out there on top of his game, just like ours, and it being a good, tight ball game, great matchup. These are the type of matchups that you enjoy. I enjoy watching, going back to Cueto and Lester and Bum and Syndergaard. These are great matchups. So it should be a great game.
Q. Ever since 2010, of course, as you know, even years have been good for the Giants. Given what's at stake tonight, is there pressure on you guys at all at this point given this whole even year thing?
BRUCE BOCHY: We have heard this all year, really, going back to FanFest. And it's a great battle cry, but, no, we're not putting pressure on ourselves because it's an even year. We don't think we're going to win the World Series every even year. I mean, it took 50-something years to get one here. So we're smarter than that, believe me.
But we're going to do all we can to keep this thing going. It's been fun. It's nice to have our fans chanting that. It probably does add a little motivation, but you realize it's not going to be that way.