Ole Miss' Chatagnier swipes 3 bags ... on 1 play!

March 10th, 2022

Taking the extra base. It’s been a part of “heads-up baseball” from the very beginning. But Ole Miss’ Peyton Chatagnier took it to a whole new level -- or three.

In the bottom of the second inning of the Rebels’ game against Alcorn State on Wednesday night, Chatagnier found himself in an unenviable position: picked off first base.

But as he took off for second on the first move of Alcorn State left-hander Jamal Green, Chatagnier was determined to get to second base safely. He did that with a head-first slide. And then he decided, hey, why not keep going?

Chatagnier alertly saw that the third baseman was closer to second base than he was to third, and Chatagnier took off. Alcorn State’s catcher tried to fill the void at third, but he wasn’t in time with his diving tag of Chatagnier.

Wait, the catcher’s at third? So who’s at home?

Nobody was home, and Chatagnier took off and scored. As the play-by-play broadcaster on ESPN remarked in the aftermath of the incredible play:

“You’ll never see it again, folks.”