Milkfish Boy, the mascot we never knew we needed

He's perfect in every way

May 3rd, 2020

When you're looking for a mascot to help us get through 2020, there is no other choice but the Uni Lions of the CPBL's new mascot: Sababoy, the dancing, hat-wearing, fish head mascot.

Yes, while the CPBL has been playing in front of empty stadiums and gifting North American viewers with live baseball in the morning, the league has also brought this majestic and body-free fish mascot into our lives. And for that, we should be so thankful.

Don't you ever say that you haven't seen a lion play air guitar while a fish head spins in circles, because ... now you have:

Watching a fish head dance to pop music makes everything seem a little bit better right now.

I mean, this thing can even breakdance.

If you're curious, there is a little method behind the madness. Sababoy translates to Milkfish Boy and milkfish head is a regional delicacy in Taiwan. So, just know that when you watch this delightfully chappeau'd fish dance, you're actually learning a little something about the region, as well.

Unfortunately for the Uni Lions, while the fish can dance, the club would probably prefer if he could pitch. Though the team is second in the CPBL with a 7-9 record as of Sunday, the Lions are surrendering over eight runs per game.