Nov. 2 Terry Francona postgame interview

November 3rd, 2016

TERRY FRANCONA: We can certainly ask questions. Just I think it's appropriate to congratulate the Chicago Cubs, Joe Maddon and Theo and Jed, and Mr. Ricketts and their entire organization. That was quite a series, and you knew somebody was going to go home happy, but they deserve a lot of congratulations.

Also, just a quick thought, it's hard not to think of Mike Hirschbeck on a night when you see John umpiring his last game, so that was kind of in our thoughts, too.

Q. Tito, just what do you say about, especially the late innings, just the fight that the guys showed? It's kind of been the signature all season for you guys.
TERRY FRANCONA: That was an incredible game, I mean, to be a part of. I talked before the game about being an honor to be in a game like that, but to be associated with those players in that clubhouse, it is an honor. And I just told them that. It's going to hurt. It hurts because we care, but they need to walk with their head held high because they left nothing on the field. And that's all the things we ever ask them to do. They tried until there was nothing left.

Q. When Rajai ties it up there and you go to the bottom of the 9th with the top of the order, thoughts going through your head that maybe the storybook ending's going to happen?
TERRY FRANCONA: We get so caught up in the game, you don't think about what your emotions are going to be or things like that. You're trying desperately to find a way to win a game. The emotions come after, whether it's good or bad. You don't think about storybooks and stuff like that. You're trying to figure out a way to score one more run.

Q. Can you just speak to what Corey and Andrew gave you throughout the playoffs, and then what you saw from them in this game?
TERRY FRANCONA: Yeah, I mean, what we ask our guys -- I mean, for our starters to have the guts to take the ball like three times in a series and the other two guys. This is Trevor's third time, and our relievers to be available for that much that often and be that effective, it's not luck. It's will. I think at times tonight they proved they're human. But without them, we don't get anywhere close to here.

Q. What were you thinking during the rain delay, and what impact do you think it had on the way extra innings played out?
TERRY FRANCONA: What was I thinking? I went to the bathroom. I mean, I'm not sure. It was only about 10 minutes. I don't think it had much of an impact. , if there's one guy that you're going to have that happen to, because he bounces back so quickly -- and he was fine. That had nothing to do with it.