Statement from Logan Webb

May 1st, 2019

Statement from Logan Webb:

"For the past month and a half I have tried endlessly to find the answer to why the M4 metabolite was found in my urine sample. I have done research, I have talked to people who know a lot more about it than I do, and I have sent in an endless amount of supplements and products for testing that I have used over the past couple years. Unfortunately, none of those things have helped me find that answer, and the time for me to find the reason that this has happened has run out. I know in my heart that something someday will be put into the world to prove my innocence. That being said, I do not disagree with MLB’s policy, and respect the drug testing system that has been put in place. I love this game and respect it too much to ever cheat it. I am heartbroken over this and I am not sure why this is happening to me, but in life some things happen for a reason and it is my job now to find that reason.

"I would like to apologize to my family, friends, teammates & the San Francisco Giants organization for the negative attention this has brought to them. The platform you guys have created for me to pursue my dreams is special to me and I want you to know I would never do anything to ruin that. Over the next couple of months and the rest of my career I will continue to work on regaining the trust and respect I’ve earned over the past few years with my teammates and the Giants organization. I will be back and better than ever."