Adam Dunn says the entire 'Dallas Buyers Club' cast (himself included) deserves Oscars (UPDATE: He might be there too)
Hollywood Dunn delivered his Oscar picks to reporters on Friday, believing Dallas Buyers Club castmates Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto to be locks for their awards. The White Sox slugger also (still) wants the Academy to recognize him for his bartending role.
#VoteDunn, Hollywood. Don't make this man angry.
Update: And lest you think Dunn wasn't going to make it to the Academy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles, it sounds like he'll be able to make an appearance:
Prior to Monday's workouts at Camelback Ranch, Dunn said that he's "got a ride" from Arizona and has tickets to attend [the ceremony], but he still has to figure out the logistics. Manager Robin Ventura didn't hesitate to help with those logistics by offering up his blessing for the short trip.
"Absolutely. I think he should go. I don't know how many opportunities people in baseball would have to do that, but I'm telling him to go," Ventura said. "You're looking first at how many people get a chance to do that and actually be a part of it, not just go just to go, but be a part of something that has a chance to do something special.
"Absolutely. I think he should go. I don't know how many opportunities people in baseball would have to do that, but I'm telling him to go," Ventura said. "You're looking first at how many people get a chance to do that and actually be a part of it, not just go just to go, but be a part of something that has a chance to do something special.
Read More: Chicago White SoxAdam Dunn