Carlos Gonzalez throws his glove at unstoppable foul ball sneaking into the outfield
CarGo throws glove at errant foul ball
There's a litany of variables and security measures at MLB ballparks meant to keep foul balls from entering the field of play. Ballboys and ballgirls are strategically positioned down the foul lines, there are barriers and railings and walls and fences to contain the foul balls in the stands and thousands of fans clamoring for the opportunity to procure an organic souvenir.
This foul ball evaded all of them.
Rangers second baseman Rougned Odor was a double shy of the cycle (just a day after his teammate Shin-Soo Choo hit for one of his own) when he stepped to the plate in the top of the ninth of an 8-8 game against the Rockies. Odor lined a ball down the right-field line that picked up some steam as it caromed off the wall in the corner and rolled down the warning track into fair territory.
Rockies right fielder Carlos Gonzalez sprang into action, looking to seize the opportunity to save valuable time by coralling the stray ball. He called out to it, chased it and even threw is glove at it:
CarGo and Co. lost the battle against this foul ball and ended up dropping the war, too, losing the game 10-8 to the Rangers.