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Even Eddie Vedder is Felixing

Since King Felix threw a perfect game on Wednesday in Seattle, Felixing has taken off around the globe.

The Where the Wild Things Are pose, with Felix's right leg raised and both arms waving triumphantly in the air, has gone viral.

Pearl Jam lead singer Eddie Vedder is the latest to catch the bug, but fans have been tweeting their photos for days. You can Felix at the beach, at church, in San Francisco and as far as Norway.

Even Felix’s teammates have been getting in on the action.

Charlie Furbush and Lucas Luetge were practicing their form before Saturday night’s game, as well as John Jaso and Tom Wilhelmsen. 

And the pose isn’t limited to baseball players. Seattle Sounders soccer star Fredy Montero was caught Felixing after he scored a goal.

Where will you be caught Felixing?

-- Krista Staudinger / Real-Time Correspondent

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