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Joba Chamberlain literally gave a Tigers fan the shirt off his back during BP

Joba Chamberlain gives young Tigers fan warm-up shirt

Only a handful of fans are lucky enough to come away with a foul ball at a baseball game -- fewer still, those unlucky souls doomed to assault by bat. Before Saturday's Tigers-Angels game, though, Joba Chamberlain decided to give one young Detroit fan enough souvenirs to last a lifetime. 

Taylor Mathews, 7, and her parents showed up to Angel Stadium in time to take in batting practice, decked out in all their Tigers gear. With about an hour left until first pitch, Joba came out to the outfield to warm up, and he spotted a familiar face.

"We had seen him in San Diego last year when Taylor had a broken arm," Taylor's mom, Rebecca, said. "He [had been] very nice and signed her cast and wished her a speedy recovery."

As it turns out, both elephants and Joba Chamberlain never forget a friend, and the reliever quickly came over to ask how Taylor was doing. Taylor had brought a trophy her softball team had won to show him. Joba happily signed it, and then saw her memorabilia and raised her one better: Just as he was about to go back to the dugout, he pulled the warm-up jacket off his back and gave it to her:

Tigers fan Joba

"He was very nice," Taylor said. "As he was about to leave, I told him, 'Good luck,' and gave him a high five."

And lest you find such a relentlessly positive story of human kindness grating, the universe has got your back: Taylor's father was off buying hot dogs and soda for the family, and returned dumbfounded at what he'd missed.

Read More: Detroit TigersJoba Chamberlain