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Ryan Braun obliterates a baseball clear over the left-field bleachers at Miller Park

Braun blasts 474-foot HR over left-field bleachers

Brewers mascot Bernie Brewer has long entertained the citizens of Milwaukee with his merry celebration of dinger excellence, a post-home run trip down that classic yellow slide. But what if it's not so merry after all? What if Bernie has been trapped atop Miller Park all these years, yearning for the chance to snag himself a home run ball? Every time he slides, hopeful in his pursuit, and every time he comes up just short, as the bullpen or a lucky fan collects a souvenir. 

Fret no more, Bernie Brewer, for Ryan Braun is here. During Monday's game against the Giants, Braun made sure his mascot would get his souvenir (or maybe get drilled by it, if he wasn't careful): 

Braun HR

Statcast™ tracked it at 474 feet, the longest home run hit by a righty in the history of Miller Park. But that's nothing compared to the size of Bernie Brewer's smile, knowing he can now slide in peace.


Read More: Milwaukee BrewersRyan Braun