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The Giants are hoping to set a few trending topics during Game 6

Being that the Giants play so close to Silicon Valley, it should come as no surprise that their fans are pretty active on social media. During Barry Zito's NLCS Game 5 gem, #RallyZito was trending worldwide on Twitter -- even if Barry himself had no idea.

Hoping that the hashtag was a source of good luck, the Giants are asking their fans to use three different hashtags during Game 6, when Ryan Vogelsong attempts to keep the Giants' season alive.

The first hashtag, a play on #RallyZito, is #RallyVogey. I guess when you only get 140 characters, you need to shorten things up.

The second is #RallyEnchiladas. Vogelsong eats chicken enchiladas before every start for good luck. Maybe Giants fans should also order some Mexican for dinner.

Finally, there is #OrangeOctober. Plain and simple. The Giants want to win October.

-Jeremy Moses /

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