Meet the live band that plays right in the Kyocera Dome stands
Meet the live band that plays in the Kyocera stands
How do you take a game played between MLB All-Stars and Samurai Japan and kick it up a notch? You put a live band in the stands, of course.
Indeed, Osaka's Kyocera Dome boasts a brass band that sits right in the seats with the fans, pumping up the crowd as only live music can.
The band even comes prepared with a game plan:
"We have a song for the players, and we have a song for whenever they get a hit, and then whenever they score a run, and whenever there's a scoring opportunity," one band member explained.
But let's not forget the band members are fans just the same: "It's just a high energy right now, we don't really have this opportunity to see the Major League guys here … so it's just a good time and I'm really excited to be here."
We're not saying the band tipped the scales in Japan's favor, but after their 2-0 win against the MLB All-Stars -- well, just keep banging that drum.