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Having grown bored with traditional defense, Scott Van Slyke threw to first from his back

Van Slyke dives, makes throw to first from his back

Dodgers outfielder/first baseman Scott Van Slyke turned 29 Friday. Unfortunately, L.A. also had a game scheduled against the Mets at Citi Field, putting Van Slyke in that most dreaded of predicaments -- having to work on his birthday.

But fear not, because -- much like that time you managed to finagle a cake and a half-day out of your boss -- Van Slyke thought of an ingenious workaround: He just decided to field his position from his back, treating himself to some birthday R&R while also putting in his time. 

Van Slyke throw

Cheer up, Scott. We know there are other ways you'd rather spend your birthday (Karaoke Night with Yasiel Puig, probably), but hey, the Dodgers got the win. And here, we got you a little something:

Birthday meme

Happy birthday, buddy. 

Read More: Los Angeles Dodgers