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Chipper Jones quit Twitter, so here are some highlights from his tweeting career

On Tuesday, Chipper Jones announced his retirement from the Twittersphere. It's been an interesting one-year tenure for the former Braves third baseman -- one in which we've learned about mammo's, yicketty's and roadrunners. Didn't understand any of that? Well, let's review some of the feel-good highlights from the past 12 months.

Chipper joined Twitter in July 2012 and nobody understood what he was saying:


Former MLB Fan Caver Ricky Mast likds this "Chipperish" talk so much that he made a '90s-rap mashup about it:


Eventually, Chipper mastered Twitter to the point that he could use it to fix a broken TV:



But he still had trouble with everyday things, like putting together basketball hoops:

And playing golf:


And clogged toilets:

With that, we bid farewell to the Twitter version of Chipper Jones -- a man just like us in some ways yet so different in others. We wish him well and hope Betty White finally accepts him as her grandson.


Read More: Atlanta Braves