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Minor League grounds crew deals with dust storms, scorpions and tarantulas

Deadly insects make their homes at RockHounds games

Some groundskeepers have to shovel snow, while others are forced to tame superhuman tarps. But down in Texas, the Midland RockHounds (an A's Double-A affiliate) grounds crew have to deal with dust storms, scorpions and yes, even tarantula infestations. According to RockHounds head groundskeeper Eric Campbell:

"Another year when it was a little wetter, we had an infestation of tarantulas. You'd see them crawling on the buildings, all over the place. It was pretty cool that year. It's been so dry this year, though, and tarantulas don't like that. ... During rain delays they'd crawl underneath the tarp where it's all humid. And we get scorpions too, the real small ones, and they say that those are the most poisonous ones."

Campbell also discusses grasshopper invasions, rattlesnakes and pregame wind storms in a recent interview conducted with's Benjamin Hill. Check it out and discover a newfound respect for these men and women behind the scenes. 


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