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Minor League manager makes scene after ejection, throws third base into left field

MiLB manager throws third base into left field

Former Marlins utility man Dave Berg is now earning his keep as the skipper of the Jacksonville Suns, the team's Double-A affliate in the Southern League. Berg made an early exit (and quite the spectacle) on Sunday when the Suns were hosting the Biloxi Shuckers.

Shuckers center fielder Josh Fellhauer safely stole second base when Suns catcher Sharif Othman's throw sailed into center field. Suns center fielder Kenny Wilson threw over to third in an attempt to catch Fellhauer trying to take an extra bag on the overthrow. Third-base umpire J.J. January ruled Fellhauer safe on a bang-bang play and Berg was none to pleased with that decision.

In lieu of filing a formal complaint with HR, Berg decided to voice his difference of opinion by throwing third base into left field:


Yup, that'll earn ya an early shower.

Read More: Miami Marlins