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Vinnie Pestano is providing a pop culture-laden daily chronicle of his leg bruise's evolution

On Tuesday, Feb. 19th, 2013, Vinnie Pestano was struck in the leg by a batted ball. The Indians reliever, whose profound philosophical musings have made him a favorite of ours here at Cut4, soon found himself battling an ancient and powerful evil: a black-and-blue mark.

On Wednesday, the second day of harboring the beastly bruise within his body, Pestano tweeted a photo of it, and expressed concern that it was plotting bigger things:

On Thursday, Pestano judged that its plot had been set into motion, and recalled Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls to express it:

On Friday, the contusion had complexified into a sophisticated entity comparable only to the all-powerful sacred relic from the Zelda series:

Only time -- and @VinnieP52 -- will tell how this harrowing tale plays out.

-- Dan Wohl /

Read More: Cleveland Indians