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When should the competition be held?

Competitions can be scheduled anytime from the beginning of the year through July. Competitions can be held on a weekend or weekday -- whichever works best for your organization and potential participants. Local hosts typically have the most participation when the competition is held along with a large-scale event, such as Opening Day or Picture Day.

Why July?

Regionals will take place from early July to early September. To avoid any conflict with your local winners advancing in the Regional competition, please attempt to conduct your local event by the first weekend in July. However, you could schedule your Local Competition on a later date if you find out that your corresponding Regional is scheduled on a later date.

Who can participate in the competition and what are the age groups?

The competition is open to all boys and girls age 14 and under. Boys and girls compete together in one of two age groups (12U or 14U). A participant's age is determined as of July 17, 2021.

My team/league already has a Home Run Contest; can I use our current contest and results for Jr. Home Run Derby?

Yes. Each local host can determine the most appropriate competition format for their Local Competition. If you already have a contest in place, you can use it as your Jr. Home Run Derby Competition and the Champion in each age group is eligible to advance. Be sure to utilize the Jr. Home Run Derby age groups when submitting the results for advancement to the Regional Competition.

Our field is too large and the fence distance is too far for participants to be able to hit home runs, what can I do?

The goal is to encourage home run hitting and success amongst the players. A youth field with a fence distance that encourages home runs is ideal, but any field can easily be used; a larger field can be shortened by moving home plate forward towards the pitcher's mound, or a chalk line can be drawn in the outfield as a temporary fence.

My field does not have an outfield fence, is a baseball/softball field necessary?

A youth ball field with a fence is obviously the ideal location for the competition, but if a youth field with a fence is not available, the competition may still be held in an open field. You can create a chalk line and use it as a temporary fence.

I only have access to 12U players, is it required to host for the 14U age group as well (or vice versa)?

Your Local Competition is not required to include both age groups; however we encourage you to open your competition to both age groups for anyone in your community that may want to compete. It is very simple to score and award both age groups.

Is it required to open the competition to anyone, or can we host only for the members of our organization?

While it is encouraged to open the competition to anyone, the local host can elect to host a "private" event where only those organization members can participate. The host must notify Jr. Home Run Derby Headquarters that they plan to host a 'private' event.

Is it required to know the finalized competition date, time and location for my competition prior to signing up to host?

No. If you are unsure as to when exactly your event will take place, you may register now and email that information to [email protected] at a later date. However, it is strongly recommended to submit your finalized date, time and location as soon as possible.

Can I use Jr. Home Run Derby as a fundraiser?

Jr. Home Run Derby is promoted as a free program, so you cannot charge participants to compete. However, you may choose to have raffles, merchandise/concession sales, carnivals or other fundraising opportunities going on in conjunction with the competition.

Can I run this program in my school?

Yes. You may run this program as part of PE classes, a school field day or as an after-school activity.

Can I host multiple Local Competitions?

Yes. You may host multiple Local Competitions if you have different groups, sites or leagues in your area to which you can offer the program.

What happens after I register to host?

Jr. Home Run Derby Headquarters will communicate to approve your event, and then provide instructions on how to access host materials and other items needed to successfully host your Local Competition.

Can I pre-register participants for the competition?

All participants must register online. Once your Local Competition is approved, you will receive your event specific registration link to share with your network to encourage online pre-registration.

How many participants advance in each age group from the Local Competition? What if there is a tie for 1st place?

Each Local Competition can submit only one Champion in each age group for advancement. In the event of a tie at the Local Competition, the Local Host must determine the one Champion in each age group for advancement by conducting a hit-off or another type of tiebreaker.

When and where will the Regional Competition take place?

Regional competitions will take place from July to early-September. Jr. Home Run Derby Staff will provide Regional Competition information to all Local Competition Champions.

What happens after the Regional Competition?

Regional Champions in each age group will receive a trip for two (participant and legal parent/guardian) to the World Series™ for the Jr. Home Run Derby Finals.

How do I promote my Local Competition?

Use your local organization's website and/or social media as a way to promote your event by posting the date, time, location, as well as details of the competition. You should also share your event specific participation registration link to encourage pre-registration online.

Provided in your administrative folder is a Local Competition Press Release. You may fill this out and distribute it to your local media outlets - newspaper, television, radio, etc. Also provided in your administrative folder are promotional posters that you can fill out and post around your town as well as a sample flyer..

Possibly the most important thing you can do to get the word out about this great opportunity is to establish cooperation and communication amongst coaches and youth baseball/softball providers in your community. Coaches can serve both as volunteers for the competition and as a communication source to notify their youth ballplayers of the date, time and location they should show up to compete.

Can I use the Jr.HRD logo in my promotional material?

If you would like to use the JrHRD logo, you must first contact Jr. Home Run Derby at[email protected] to request use. You will have to provide a proof of how you plan to use the logo.