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These were the most eye-catching moments from the Padres-Rockies brawl

Like many big ticket fighting events, some baseball brawls don't live up to the hype. There can be a lot of standing around and yelling while hoping your teammates hold you back. 
Not so in Wednesday's Padres-Rockies game. After Padres starter Luis Perdomo threw behind Nolan Arenado, the Gold Glove third baseman raced out to the mound. That's when things got interesting. Let's break it down: 
The Glove Throw
Like a household alarm, this is the pitcher's protection system. Forget sprinting into the outfield, the first moment of fight or flight is the reflexive tossing of the glove. 

Notice, also, that Arenado had already tossed away his helmet. In the Queensbury rules of baseball brawls, you swing with fists and barbed language -- not equipment. 
The Chase

In baseball fights, you don't have a lot of time before the dugouts reach you. Which means, after Arenado's swipe missed, the chase was on. If you forget for a moment that this was a baseball brawl, it kind of looks like a childhood game got interrupted after a dog stole the ball had the whole neighborhood chase after it. 
The Second Glove Throw

There was a second gloveman. 
The Leap

Watch the blonde head of Gerardo Parra soar high above the fray. That's 80-grade brawl hustle. 
The Screaming, or, Filing a Formal Complaint

Arenado was not pleased.
The Second Wind

Most brawls end here. Sure, a few more words might get tossed around, and maybe some half-hearted shoves, but everything is usually all wrapped up at this point. But here came the second wind, as Austin Hedges and Arenado locked eyes. It was like when two mean dogs lock eyes in the park 
The Cooler

Mark McGwire made his grand entrance, seemingly to say, "I do two things very well. I crush dingers and I end fights." 
The Third Wind

Forget just a second wind, this one had a third go-round. And this one featured a whole, shifting miasma of players, like the whole ground moved. 
Arenado did get a win in the end: The Rockies defeated the Padres, 6-4.
