Return to Play
Major League Baseball is excited to bring PITCH, HIT & RUN™ to your local communities in 2022. We continue to ask that all local site hosts continue to evaluate participant and volunteer safety in light of COVID-19.
The below recommendations are designed to assist in the operation of PITCH, HIT & RUN™ in your community, but they in no way supersede CDC recommendations or your respective state and local government regulations on reopening, public gatherings and the return to organized sport. Please ensure your operation of this event is conducted within the framework of your local community and implemented in accordance with your state and local restrictions.
Pre-Registration & Health Assessment
Digital Registration:
· All host sites will receive a participant registration site.
· All host sites are asked to pre-register participants via the digital registration link.
· No in-person, on-site paper registration will be permitted.
Health and Safety Assessment:
· Prior to arrival, all staff/volunteers, participants and spectators should ensure that they do not have a fever of 100.4°F or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.
· Any individual who has a temperature of 100.4°F or exhibits any COVID-19 symptom should not participate in the event.
· If there is a report of a positive case of COVID-19 from within your organization, notify others who may have been in close contact with the individual of their potential exposure and potential need for quarantine or additional medical attention.
Use of Personal Protective Equipment:
· Cloth face coverings and personal protective equipment (“PPE”) should be worn consistent with CDC, state and local guidance.
Event Safety & Operation
Event Setup:
· The competition should be held outside.
· Limit the number of adult employees/volunteers by only using the essential number of on-field personnel.
· Make every effort to reduce the density of individuals by establishing designated times and locations for arrivals and departures. Consider staggering arrival and dismissal times for different groups.
· Adjust the event format and increase the amount of time between groups/participants to limit overlap.
· Increase the availability of handwashing and/or hand-sanitizing stations at the competition site.
Food and Drink:
· Avoid sharing cups, water bottles, food/snacks, and limit all food and drink products to individualized items.
· Along with adhering to state and local ordinances on group gatherings, you should also make every attempt to prevent overcrowding and gatherings with a high density of people and to allow for enhanced physical distancing, where possible.
· Create one-way entry and exits to direct foot traffic.
· Make efforts to reduce the density of parents, guardians and spectators on site by setting arrival times prior to games and events.
· Follow local regulations on the usage of face masks or face coverings for spectators.
Reminders to Provide Registrants Prior to Event
· Pre-registration online is required.
· Any person with a fever of 100.4°F or who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend or participate in the competition.
· Event participants and spectators must follow all posted and published local and state guidelines.
· All attendees are encouraged to practice social distancing.
· Face masks or face coverings should be worn consistent with state and local guidelines.
· Communicate your organization’s plan to encourage social distancing both prior to your competition and during the event.
· Add any additional protocol set forth by your organization and/or event site.