Rays, Rowdies pledge to fight systemic racism

June 2nd, 2020

During a time when words and action have an even larger impact than usual, the Rays and the United Soccer League’s Tampa Bay Rowdies provided a powerful statement on Tuesday, touching on the systemic injustice and police brutality that has been highlighted recently. 

“Our country is mourning the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and so many others who have perished unnecessarily,” the Rays and Rowdies said in the statement. “The evils of systemic and institutionalized racism continue to plague our nation. We know that, all too often, these cases are dismissed or excused without justice being served.”

“Black Lives Matter. Police brutality is inhumane. We fully support the protests exercising their civil rights. We stand with black families living in fear. Our country demands better than this for its people. We can’t breathe.”

Aside from delivering some strong -- and necessary -- words, the Rays and Rowdies also responded by jumping into much-needed action. The two organizations are committing $100,000 per year to supporting causes in the fight against systemic racism.

“Words are not enough and have never been enough,” the statement read. “Over the coming days and weeks, we will identify and share these organizations with you, and do our best to amplify their vital messages. Our committee on Diversity and Inclusion will be responsible for directing those funds.”

“Finally, we are reminded of the words of Jackie Robinson: ‘Life is not a spectator sport. If you’re going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you’re wasting your life.’ While our hearts may be broken, we aren’t giving up.”