Group Frequently Asked Questions
A purchaser of group tickets from the Marlins may only sell or transfer group tickets through a resale system provided by the Marlins. Under no circumstances shall group tickets be sold or transferred by using any public advertisements, publications, websites, or third party companies/agents, or in any public place. In no event shall group tickets be re-sold for a price that is above the amount permitted under then applicable local, state, and federal law.
A purchaser of group tickets from the Marlins shall not use the Marlins' name, copyrights, and/or trademarks in any form or manner, including but not limited to, implied endorsements or product approvals, without the written permission of the Marlins. Such written permission must state the specific use of the Marlins' name, copyrights, and/or trademarks, and in what manner and locations it will be displayed.
A purchaser of group tickets from the Marlins may not imply any relationship with or endorsement from the Marlins. All advertising materials relating to the group event which feature the Marlins' name, copyrights, and/or trademarks must receive prior written approval of the Marlins prior to such materials being distributed, printed, or published.
A purchaser of group tickets from the Marlins may not contract for, nor make arrangements for radio broadcasting, television, filming, photographing, taping, sound recording, or other kinds of reproduction of whatever nature for any Marlins game or event at loanDepot park.
A purchaser of group tickets from the Marlins may not contract for, nor make arrangements for sponsorships of whatever nature for any Marlins game or event at loanDepot park.
A purchaser of group tickets from the Marlins agrees to, and shall ensure any individuals using such group tickets shall agree to: (i) maintain proper decorum and appropriate, respectful behavior while using the group tickets; (ii) not bring into loanDepot park alcoholic beverages, any illegal drugs, or other illegal substances, and agrees to comply with loanDepot park rules on bringing in outside food and beverages to ballpark events; (iii) not use the group tickets for any illegal, improper, immoral, or objectionable purpose, or in any way which would obstruct or interfere with the normal enjoyment or rights of other ticketholders, that would in any way interfere with the game or event presentation or any related activities, or that would negatively impact the image of the Marlins; (iv) not film, record, or transmit from loanDepot park all or any portion of any Marlins game or other event, or any description thereof, by any means, or permit any of its guests or invitees to do so; and (v) refrain from using foul, abusive, socially unacceptable language, and other behavior deemed to be unacceptable fan conduct.
A purchaser of group tickets from the Marlins assumes, for itself and any other individuals using such group tickets, all risk of personal injury to, or for any damage to or any loss of property, arising out of or related to their attendance at Marlins games or other events held at loanDepot park, whether occurring prior to, during, or after the game or event, including without limitation the danger of falling or colliding with someone at loanDepot park, or of being injured by a batted or thrown ball, a baseball bat, or other projectile from the field, stands, or other areas in loanDepot park.
Minimums, Deposits, and Payments
- Minimum group ticket requirement is ten (10) tickets per game.
- Group deposits start at $250 and are based on quantity of tickets requested per game.
- Gameday Suite Rental deposits start at $500 and are based on the Suite Rental reserved.
- To ensure proper ticket delivery, full payment is due 21 days prior to the game (Final Payment Due Date).
- Allow for up to forty-eight (48) hours from the time final payment for all group tickets is received for all ticket orders to be processed.
- All unpaid group tickets in the account after the Final Payment Due Date will be released for public sale.
- Group tickets ordered after the Final Payment Due Date will be subject to a potential price increase.
- Payments by check must be received by the Final Payment Due Date.
Additional Tickets
- Additional tickets may be purchased after the initial order is completed and up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled game. Based on inventory availability. Additional tickets are not guaranteed to be in the same location as the initial group purchase.
- Additional tickets purchased after the Final Payment Due Date are subject to a potential price increase.
- Additional orders of ten (10) or fewer tickets will delivered electronically to one (1) email address.
- Check payments made after the Final Payment Due Date will not be accepted.
- All sales are final. No refunds are allowed.
- Exchanges are allowed only in the event of an official cancellation of the selected game. Placing a deposit does not guarantee a specific game date or selected seating category in the event of an exchange.
Ticket Delivery
- Group tickets are encouraged to be managed digitally via the MLB Ballpark App. Group tickets can be printed and delivered by mail when deemed necessary.
- Group tickets will not be accessible until full payment is received upon the entire cost of the ticket reservation.
- Pricing for group tickets will be enforced at the sole discretion of the Marlins until a minimum 25% down payment is made on a group ticket reservation.
- It is the expectation that any reserved group tickets be paid-in-full at least 21 days before the game of choice. Additional group tickets can be purchased within 21 days of game but are subject to inventory availability and must be paid-in-full.
- For questions, please contact our Group Sales Department at 305.480.2523 or