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This Maine Little Leaguer takes "big daddy hacks" and hits monster home runs

There are a few things to know about Richie Gilboy.
1: He's the starting catcher for South Portland American, the state Little League champion of Maine currently playing in the New England regional for the right to advance to the Little League World Series.
2: According to the Portland Press-Herald, he once ran straight through an open gate in the chain link fence behind home plate to reel in a foul ball.
3: And, most importantly, he doesn't take mere swings -- he takes big daddy hacks:

That was how Gilboy introduced himself to a national TV audience prior to Portland's regional semifinal game against Vermont on Thursday afternoon. Then, just to make sure everyone knew he was serious, he went out and launched this blast:

Big daddy hacks isn't just a baseball strategy -- it's a way of life. 
