D-backs for Change Mentorship Program

D-backs for Change Mentorship Program application deadline June 6, 2021

The D-backs for Change Mentorship Program will match diverse college and post-graduate students with a D-backs Team Player for one full year to assist with mentorship and career development. This program will support the organization’s efforts in diversifying job candidate pools and preparing students for internships and employment opportunities in the sports and entertainment industry. D-backs for Change continues to seek opportunities to improve the lives of those who have been and continue to be disadvantaged as a result of systemic social injustice, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and discrimination of all kinds.

The application period for this program has ended. Program acceptance and matching determinations will be completed by June 30, 2021. All applicants will be notified via email and/or phone call from a subcommittee member no later than June 30, 2021.



Mentee Eligibility:

Must be an Arizona resident at least 18 years of age or older and current college junior, senior, or post-graduate student. Must self-identify as a diverse student pursuing a career in the sports and entertainment industry.

Diverse candidates include but are not limited to:

  • BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color)
  • LGBTQ+
  • People with Disabilities
  • Women

The Program will include:

  • Informational interviews, job shadowing opportunities and workplace visits
  • Goal setting & accountability
  • Professional & personal development (networking crash course & more)
  • Resume & cover letter assistance
  • Interview coaching & mock interviews (telephone, virtual, in-person)
  • Preparation for fall job fair, internship, and part-time/full-time opportunities
  • Quarterly meetings and networking opportunities with all Program mentors and mentees in this program.

Mentee Requirements

  • Required attendance (1:1) meetings with mentors and quarterly meetings.
  • Keep a mentorship journal to record details of meetings, significant events, accomplishments, and insights.
  • Discuss current events.
  • Look for opportunities to grow and develop by asking for feedback, reflecting on experiences, and developing new skills and abilities.
  • Maintain a clear sense of where you are going and track progress along the way.
  • Openly discuss goals, challenges, and concerns with your mentor and inform them of progress made.
  • Provide feedback about/evaluation of the Program, and your experience in the Program, both during and after participation.

Matching & Selection

A subcommittee of the Arizona Diamondbacks D-backs for Change Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (“J.E.D.I.”) Council will review mentee applications to determine acceptance into the program, and will also review all mentor and mentee applications to determine the best matches. In this selection process, the subcommittee will consider, among other things, the mentee’s career objective and will strive to match thee mentee with a mentor’s experience and strengths. Program acceptance and matching determinations will be made in June, and all applicant’s will be notified whether they were accepted to the program and selected mentees will be notified via email and/or phone call from a subcommittee member of their mentor match by no later than June 30, 2021.

The application period for this program has ended. Thanks for your interest.