Mysterious balloon makes cameo in LA

July 24th, 2020

We knew the 2020 season would be unusual in many ways -- a 60-game schedule, no fans in the stands, Opening Day in July, just to name a few. So it wasn't exactly shocking to see some weird stuff on Opening Night.

In the bottom of the eighth inning of the Dodgers-Giants season opener in Los Angeles, we saw an unexplained phenomenon -- a solitary balloon floating onto the playing field and landing near second base.

The question is: Where did it come from? The only "fans" in attendance for the 8-1 Dodgers victory were cardboard cutouts.

We're certainly used to seeing objects come onto the field at Chavez Ravine -- many a beach ball has found its way onto the warning track at Dodger Stadium over the years.

But this balloon? Nobody knows where it came from, nor how it got near the center of the diamond during the Dodgers' first regular-season game of 2020.

Come to think of it, if something was to mysteriously and inexplicably float onto the field at Dodger Stadium during a game in 2020, shouldn't it be a beach ball, for the sake of staying on-brand?