Rays in wait-and-see mode for next weekend

Club scheduled to play series vs. Sox at Tropicana Field, but Irma could affect that

September 9th, 2017

BOSTON -- The Rays are in a wait-and-see mode regarding their series against the Red Sox next weekend that is scheduled to be played at Tropicana Field.
Due to Hurricane Irma, MLB announced on Friday that the Rays will play the Yankees at the Mets' Citi Field on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and the Rays will be the home team.
The Rays have a day off on Thursday before the scheduled set vs. the Sox. However, making contingency plans at this point is difficult due to the unknowns of the situation.
"I talked to [Rays president of baseball operations] Matt Silverman today," Rays manager Kevin Cash said. "A bunch of what-ifs were in there. But we really don't know anything. We're going to go to New York, play the schedule that's been presented -- 7 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 1 o'clock Wednesday. And then just kind of see where we're at.
"We're watching the storm just like you guys are. We'll just kind of wait to see what MLB and the Rays decide is best."
Cash was asked how his team was handling the situation.
"I think they're handling it all right," he said. "I mean, there's legitimate concern. It's college football season and I think half the TVs in the clubhouse were on the Weather Channel. That's pretty telling in itself.
"We have a lot of players who live in the [Tampa] Bay Area, and have a lot of friends and stuff like that. A lot of us have families that are traveling everywhere. Lots on their minds right now, but I think they're handling it. And I think they're able to separate it at 7 o'clock."