Mets Community Program Vouchers

Thank you for participating in one of the New York Mets community programs!

Please follow the instructions below to redeem your 2023 community program voucher. If you experience any issues redeeming your voucher, please contact Ticket Services at (718) 565-4360.

  1. Click on the green Redeem Voucher(s) button.
  2. Log into your My Mets Tickets account or create a new one if none exists.
  3. Enter the voucher codes you received. Multiple voucher codes can be entered. Each voucher code is valid for one (1) ticket.
  4. Once all vouchers are entered, click on voucher program from which you are looking to redeem.
  5. To redeem multiple vouchers in a single transaction, select the voucher by clicking on the box to the left or select all. Click Continue button at the bottom of the page.
  6. Choose your eligible game and select your seats. To select individual seats from valid areas via the interactive seating map, click seat map. Additional paid tickets can be added at the single game price.
  7. All tickets will be delivered digitally via the MLB Ballpark app. Your tickets barcodes will appear 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time of the game. Tickets can be forwarded at any time prior to entry. Please note: Print-At-Home has been discontinued at Citi Field.
  8. Upon checkout, you will receive a confirmation email from [email protected].

Fans can begin redeeming their vouchers on Saturday, June 24, 2023.