A Q&A with the Baseball Tomorrow Fund

BTF: Welcome to the #AskBTF Q&A Chat. Feel free to submit questions via Twitter, Facebook or at [email protected].
Q: In non-Major League cities, how can we plug into opportunities to provide these kinds of enrichments and training for our committed baseball and softball communities?
A: To be added to the invite list in your area, email us at [email protected] with your name, org, email and nearest MLB city.
Q: Does the online application have the ability to attach these required documents; or is it required to submit the required documentation separately such as mail, email or fax, etc?
A: The online application has the ability to attach the required documents needed.
Q: Would you elaborate on what items on our sports budget would be acceptable as a "match."
A: Grant funds are awarded for capital expenditures to benefit youth baseball and softball programs and facilities. Grants are awarded for equip., uniforms, field renovations and construction to growth the program. Annual op exp aren't eligible. Annual op exp could be considered as a match. Other exp related to the project that are funded by other sources are the match.
Q: What about grants that might increase exposure to baseball but not organized baseball? Thinking parks and rec camps and PE classes
A: We are most interested in organized programs.
Q: How do we go about to get uniforms through BTF?
A: Please visit http://www.baseballtomorrowfund.com to review the evaluation criteria and application instructions.
Q: My question was more related to bringing these programs to non MLB cities. Perhaps a curriculum and/or trainers could be provided?
A: We do not plan to offer this program in non-MLB cities as we rely on the MLB groundskeepers and clubs to host. We suggest that you contact your local minor league club to see if they offer similar opportunities.
Q: Do the grants cover non-profit travel teams to help with travel and tournament fees?
A: Requests from travel teams serving low-income players are okay; however, travel/food/hotel/tourney fees are not considered.