Buck Showalter Mississippi State Baseball Photos
The Buck stops here.
It's always great to get some insight into MLB personalities' backgrounds, from childhood photos to high school scouting reports. Here are some exceptional examples of that, featuring newly-crowned AL Manager of the Year Buck Showalter during his collegiate playing days at Mississippi State.
As if our day couldn't get any better, we want to say congrats to @Orioles skipper and Bulldog great Buck Showalter! pic.twitter.com/lzl9UXjYK9
- MSU Baseball (@HailStateBB) November 12, 2014
@MLBFanCave The Buck stopped here. pic.twitter.com/CZaKf7hYft
- MSU Baseball (@HailStateBB) November 12, 2014
@MLBFanCave Here's his bio from the 1977 media guide. pic.twitter.com/92DFsoCelj
- MSU Baseball (@HailStateBB) November 12, 2014
Side note: read Buck's bio carefully because "slapping the apple" may be the best baseball saying ever. Let's bring that one back.