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Yes, Virginia, There can be two Dream Jobs

It took a while, but I finally found a job that may come close to rivaling mine and Mikey's. This spring, when longtime Wrigley Field P.A. announcer Paul Friedman decided to move to another position, the Chicago Cubs' front office did something unheard of – they posted their unique job opening on the Internet.

More than 2,000 people submitted video auditions for the greatest job in Chicago. If hired, the person would have to be willing (as if anyone wouldn't be) to sit in the best seat in Wrigley and announce the starting lineups, pitching changes, and sponsorship promotions over the concourses of one of baseball's most revered cathedrals. A dream job, to say the least.

When the dust settled, the new public address announcer at Wrigley Field wasn't a Minor League announcer, or radio disk jockey, or, like the great Bob Shepherd, a teacher of English at a prestigious institution of higher learning. Nope, it was 24-year-old Andrew Belleson, who was actually working in his family's hot dog stand when his sister told him about the job opening and insisted that he apply. Further proof that you should always, always listen to the women in your lives.

The Chicago Tribune profiled Belleson and it makes for an amazing read.

Mr. Belleson, I'll still take my job over yours, but you know what? It's a close second. Know that we're rooting for you here in the MLB Fan Cave, and we're hoping, like so many other P.A. announcers and their ballparks, that you become a fixture at Wrigley. Speak well, and remember always how you felt when you got the call telling you of your good news.

Life's not going to get much better than that.