Rideshare Information

Using rideshare options are a convenient way to visit Citi Field and to get home safely. The official postgame rideshare pick-up location can be found at the intersection of Shea Road and Seaver Way, north of the stadium. Exiting the stadium from the centerfield area provides the fastest pedestrian route to the rideshare zone, either through the K Korner stairs or the Bullpen Gate. Then walk one block north on Seaver Way and look for the orange and blue rideshare pickup zone signs, numbered 1-3, along Shea Road.

Open your preferred rideshare app and select your numbered location to notify the driver of where you should be picked up. Major rideshare companies have incorporated these changes into their apps. Pregame drop-offs can still be made along Seaver Way or Roosevelt Ave.


The Mets want all fans to get home safely. Please remember to Stop, Ask, Match, and Inform before entering a rideshare vehicle. Look for SAMI signs similar to above at ballpark exits and at our rideshare area. Do not accept rides from people verbally soliciting you either on the sidewalk or from their vehicle. Always ensure that you are entering an official New York State TLC licensed vehicle.

Please note: Backpacks may not be brought into Citi Field except as otherwise provided in the Citi Field Bag Policy. For a complete list of permitted bags please click the Read More button below.

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