Tips from Cory Cook, Pirates Minor League Strength & Conditioning Coordinator

Whether you have a case of the Monday blues or are just going stir crazy, regular physical activity can be good for both physical and mental health. Exercise increases levels of endorphins - the "feel good" hormones - that naturally lift your mood. Exercise also increases serotonin levels which is crucial in regulating mood, sleep and appetite.

While everyone may not have access to a gym or equipment right now, there are still ways to stay physically active. Below you'll find three workouts created by Cory Cook, Pirates Minor League Strength & Conditioning Coordinator.

The only equipment needed is an exercise band, with pull up bar & dumbbells optional. If you do not have dumbbells, fill up a duel bag with books and use that. Get creative! Do everything for the maximum reps/distance for the allotted time.

3 Days of Home Workouts
Day 1
  • Squat (w/weight if available) - 4 Minutes
  • Run for Distance - 4 Minutes
  • Push Up - 5 Minutes
  • Run for Distance - 5 Minutes
  • Crunches - 4 Minutes
  • Weighted Duel Bag* Rows - 3 Minutes
  • Walking Lunges - 3 Minutes
Day 2
  • Push Up (Hands Wide) - 4 Minutes
  • Bench or Couch Dips - 5 Minutes
  • Weighted Duel Bag* Rows - 5 Minutes
  • Lying Leg Raises - 4 Minutes
  • Duel Bag* Tricep Overhead Extension - 3 Minutes
  • Plank - 3 Minutes
Day 3
  • Walk - 4 Minutes
  • All Out Run - 4 Minutes
  • Walk - 5 Minutes
  • All Out Run - 5 Minutes
  • Walk - 4 Minutes
  • All Out Run - 3 Minutes
  • Walk - 3 Minutes

*put books or canned goods in a duel bags and hold the handles.

If the weather permits, go outside for your workout! Vitamin D may also play a role in regulating mood, so movement in the sunshine is a win-win!

Day 1 Demos
Day 2 Demos
Day 3 Demos