What to Know for 2021

What to Know for 2021

Goodyear Ballpark is excited to welcome back fans for the 2021 spring training season! Things will be a bit different this year, so here's what to expect:


  • All guests two years of age and older will be required to wear masks at all times, except while eating/drinking in their ticketed seats.
  • Players will not be able to sign autographs before the games.
  • Fans will not be permitted access to the team complexes.
  • The Kids Zone, including the wiffle ball field, will not be activated this year. The grass concourses will be closed.
  • No spitting (tobacco, sunflower seeds, etc.).
  • In an effort to reduce touchpoints, credit/debit cards will be accepted at all points of sale at the ballpark (concession stands, Team Shop and Ticket Office).


  • No bags, purses or backpacks will be permitted, with the exception of medical bags, diaper bags and clutch purses not exceeding 5" x 9"


  • Season and group tickets will not be available for the 2021 season.
  • Terrace, Premium Field Box and Right Field Pavilion seating will be unavailable for purchase.
  • Tickets will be sold in "pods" of 1-6 tickets for the seating bowl; berm seating will be sold in pods of 2, 4 or 6 tickets and locations will be clearly marked.
  • Pods will be socially distanced from each other.
  • Fans must sit in their ticketed seating area only.


  • The First Base and Third Base gates have been relocated toward right field and left field, to allow for social distancing in concession lines.
  • Please remember to keep at least 6 feet from those not in your party. Lines will be queued accordingly.


  • Parking is free.
  • Golf carts will not be available to transport fans from parking lots.
  • Fans needing assistance may be dropped off at the Left Field Gate, located on Ballpark Way, south of Goodyear Blvd.
  • RV parking is available.
  • No overnight parking is permitted.


  • Hand sanitizing stations are located in restrooms and throughout the ballpark.
  • Touchless paper towel dispensers have been installed in all restrooms.
  • Custodial staff will apply disinfecting agent to all seats, hand rails, door knobs and all high touchpoint surfaces prior to gates opening
  • Restroom attendants and spray technicians will continually disinfect and sanitize restrooms, handrails and high touchpoint surfaces throughout the game.
  • Every other sink and urinal to be decommissioned in restrooms.


  • All staff must complete a daily self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms prior to the start of their shift.
  • All staff are required to wear proper face coverings and gloves during their entire shift.
  • Staff check-in will be staggered to allow for social distancing upon their arrival.


  • A limited concessions menu will be available for the 2021 season. Fountain sodas and refills will not be available.
  • Prepackaged condiments will be offered in lieu of the condiment carts.
  • Fans will be able to use a mobile ordering system to avoid standing in concession lines.
  • Plexiglass will be installed at concession stand windows.
  • Hawkers will not be available.

Please note: Per Major League Baseball, a game is considered official after four and a half innings have been completed.

  • In all exhibition games played during the 2021 spring training season, the following adjustments to the Official Baseball Rules shall apply:
  • Ending Innings UnilaterallyGames that occur from February 27 (or 28) through March 13, (“Retiring the Side”) shall be relaxed, such that defensive managers may end an inning prior to three outs following any completed plate appearance, provided the pitcher has thrown at least 20 pitches.
  • Shortened Games
    Games that occur from February 27 (or 28) through March 13 may be shortened to seven-inning games or five-inning games upon mutual agreement of both managers. Games that occur on or after March 14 shall be nine-inning games (and, upon mutual agreement of both managers, can be shortened to seven-inning games).

Goodyear Ballpark continues to closely monitor the latest developments of COVID-19, and providing a safe environment for our fans, staff and players has been our top priority. As additional information and guidelines become available through Major League Baseball, the CDC and/or national/local officials, the ballpark will continue to comply and make the necessary updates.



If you answer "yes" to any of the below questions, please stay home, as you will be denied entry into the ballpark:

  • Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 48 hours: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea?
  • Within the past 14 days, have you been in close physical contact (6 feet or closer for at least 15 minutes) with a person who is known to have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 or with anyone who has any symptoms consistent with COVID-19?
  • Are you isolating or quarantining because you may have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 or are worried that you may be sick with COVID-19?
  • Are you currently waiting on the results of a COVID-19 test?

Attendees who display any of these symptoms may be denied entry to the ballpark, or if already inside the ballpark, may be require to leave:

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Cough (new onset or worsening)
  • Fever (felt feverish or warm)
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Sore or scratchy throat
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Muscle pain
  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Gastrointestinal distress or upset stomach
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Swelling of the toes or lower extremities
  • Chest tightness or pain
  • Swollen lymph nodes or glands
  • Abdominal pain
  • Rash or "COVID toes"