Not pitching in game, Niese ejected from bench

NEW YORK -- From his vantage point in the Mets dugout in the sixth inning Friday, pitcher Jon Niese did not believe home-plate umpire Doug Eddings was calling a fair strike zone for both the Mets and Yankees. So he told -- not asked -- Eddings to "make an adjustment."
According to Niese, Eddings turned to face him and replied, "Hey, I don't want to hear any more from you."
"Then make an adjustment," Niese repeated.
"That's it," Eddings said. "You're done. Get out of here."
With that, Niese earned an ejection from the 6-1 loss in the Subway Series opener, without ever stepping onto the field. He was not the only Mets player upset by Eddings' strike zone, with Yankees starter Michael Pineda catching them looking on three of his seven strikeouts. But he was the most vocal. Asked if he used any "magic words" to earn his ejection, Niese grinned.
"I plead the fifth on that one," he said.
Niese is next scheduled to pitch Sunday night against the Yankees, though he shouldn't have to deal with Eddings much that day. Because umpires rotate positions each game, Eddings is due to man second base for the series finale.