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Oct. 10 Davey Johnson postgame interview

Q. What happened with Edwin Jackson today? He had over five days of rest; did that matter?

DAVEY JOHNSON: He just made bad pitches. Talked to Suzuki, he wasn't hitting his spots, and a lot of hits, pitches off him off the plate, and good hitters will jump all over it and that's what happened early. I thought he got a little sharper as the game went on, but a couple of really bad pitches, that's the story.

Q. You spoke about experience being a factor with Zimmerman the other day; to what extent have you seen that in the lineup?

DAVEY JOHNSON: You have to tip your hat to Carpenter. I didn't think he had great stuff, but he didn't give the hitters any good pitches, and that's the name of the ballgame. He stayed out of the middle of the plate, kept the ball down, and had a good curveball, change. That's the key to pitching.

Q. Three straight days, the starters had big trouble by the second inning, that's not a pattern of the team; what is it?

DAVEY JOHNSON: Well, I mean, you know, I don't consider the pressure of the situation making bad pitches. You just try to make your pitches, and you don't try to give in to hitters.

You know, Jackson was missing early on, trying to make pitches, and then when he had to come in, he came right down Broadway; and experienced hitters lay off stuff around the zone. And Tommy hawked the stuff in. Even the shortstop, that was a cookie, little half in, thigh high. Couldn't get the ball down early, that was the key I said for him. When he gets -- starts throwing a lot of quality strikes on the knees, early in the game, he usually throws a strong game, but he was up from the start. And you can't do that against a good hitting ballclub.

Q. Would you consider going to Gio on three days' rest or do you still have confidence in Detwiler starting?

DAVEY JOHNSON: No, I wouldn't do that. We have two more ballgames. Det's capable of pitching a good game tomorrow. That's been our strength all year. These young guys have pitched great all year. Need a couple more good-pitched games this series.

Q. When you get the jet flyover and all of the ovations and all of that and you lay an egg, how do you get the team not to feel that way?

DAVEY JOHNSON: The attitude of the ballclub has been nice and loose and ready to go. Everybody's excited about the opening ceremonies with all of the dignitaries and the flyover. Got everybody excited.

But you know, if you get behind early, sometimes it takes the wind out of your sails. Like I say, I didn't think Carpenter had his best stuff, but he didn't give in to anybody, pitched a good ballgame.

Q. You've been in this situation a lot before, and a lot of your players haven't. Do you tell them anything special tomorrow?

DAVEY JOHNSON: No, I mean, we lost another battle. We got a couple more battles we need to win, and it comes from our pitching. Detwiler has certainly got the stuff to pitch a good game. He's pitched some quality games this year. So look forward to tomorrow.

Q. Can you pinpoint what's happened with runners in scoring position? You guys have been stranding a lot of runners in the series. Can you pinpoint what's kind of happening there?

DAVEY JOHNSON: You know, the opposing pitchers are making good pitches, not giving in. They are not sitting on balls. I don't attribute it to being young or inexperienced. Just, you know, I tip my hat to the other guys.

Q. The call at first base, Jim Joyce's call, is that just kind of when it rains, it pours, nothing's going right?

DAVEY JOHNSON: Just how come -- I'm 20 years older than you and I see him as safe. And he said he thought he got it right. I said, check the replay. He said, I don't have the luxury of doing that right now. But it was just one play.

Q. You went to Stammen again today even with a funny little fever; why go to him in that situation?

DAVEY JOHNSON: That's a situation I use him against a right handed ballclub in the sixth inning, that's his spot. He's a bull. It wasn't because he was tired. He proved that three days in the row the other day, striking out six in a row.

Again, maybe the situation, he was also up in the pitch count. Just can't make mistakes. You can't hit batters. That was the key. Just didn't do the things he had done all year. And even Matthews, who has got really good command, right down Broadway, and they got hits. But that's what happens.

Maybe not having the experience and thinking at some times during the year, if I just put something on it, I can get people out. But in big games, you have to make pitches, that's the key.

Q. You talked about you haven't done the things you've done all year and that's happened a couple of games now; I know anything can happen in baseball, but what are you feeling right now? Are you surprised?

DAVEY JOHNSON: I take nothing for granted. We are not out of this by a long shot. Keep us in the ballgame tomorrow, get a few key hits, we're right back in it.

Shoot, I've had my back to worse walls than this, but I like my ballclub, and I think we'll come out and play a good game tomorrow.