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Oct 10: Ross Detwiler pre-game interview

Q. How do you go about making sure you take this as a normal start and not get too amped up because it's the playoffs?
ROSS DETWILER: I don't know. It's going to be my first one. It's earlier in the day, that way I don't have all day to think about it. So it's just kind of wake up and see how I feel tomorrow, and just really during the game try to slow myself down as much as I can.

Q. You look back on that start against the Cardinals over the last weekend of the season, and take anything from it; how do you put that one away?
ROSS DETWILER: I try not to remember that one, but I'm just really going out there trying to throw strikes, trying to get ahead in the count. You know, make the hitters hit my pitch instead of having to come after them 2 1, 3 1 like I was the whole time; limit the walks. I think I had five or six walks and I think that's what really ended up hurting me.

Q. What have you been able to take from the last couple of starts, things that you felt like you weren't doing properly? And I guess what were you able to take watching the first two games of this series as well?
ROSS DETWILER: I guess what not to do. Just attack the zone, get ahead, make them hit my pitches, keep the ball down, hit some ground balls and let my defense work behind me. Watching all the games on TV and even watching our games, I'm seeing you get hurt when the ball gets up in the zone and you try to stay out of that as much as you can.

Q. I know you don't want to think about the start too much, but is there anything about seeing a team close in proximity and can make whatever adjustments you need to make?
ROSS DETWILER: I think so. The scouting report is still fresh in my mind. It's my last start and the last hitters I saw. I'll know how to attack them and how I want to do it. I had limited success, so I can go about that in that way.

Q. You talked earlier in the season about Gonzalez and how he helped with aggressiveness; can you go over what other pitchers, or maybe Mike McCatty, that have helped you have a great season?
ROSS DETWILER: When I got moved to the bullpen earlier, Mike Gonzalez sat me down and said, this is what you need to do to be more aggressive to go out there with a killer mentality. He's kept that up all year. He's seen it slip me up a little bit on me, and e's sat me down and said, look, this is what's happened. I give a lot of my success to him for helping me out, but also watching the other four starters the entire year, how they do it. Like if E.J. gives up a run, he'll come in and say, hey, that's all they get. He'll pump up our hitters and say, hey, I'm going to go throw up some zeros; and how Gio is always happy on the mound and loose and Jordan is aggressive as I need to be.

Q. Can you detail what you've done to stay fresh, and also some of your teammates struggled with the time off, what would you do to combat that and do you think it will affect you?
ROSS DETWILER: I kind of look at it like an All Star Break, since I was one of the first ones done before the All Star Break and I was one of the last ones to go after the All Star Break. I had about, what's it going to be, 10 days off or so, 11 days off between starts. I think it was the same there and I came back strong. You know, I've been throwing and throwing bullpens. Just can't wait to get out there tomorrow.

Q. You and Jackson this year have had "the other guys" mentality. Does it speak to how far you've progressed this season and to this point in your career that the Nationals playoffs now rests on your performance tomorrow?
ROSS DETWILER: Yeah, but I think there's a big game going on today. We'll see where we're at tomorrow, tomorrow. But today, hopefully go out there and get a winner and be able to close it out tomorrow.

Q. Statistically, you've been much better at home. Is there anything other than just being comfortable, being in your normal surroundings that you can pinpoint as to why that might be the case?
ROSS DETWILER: I have no idea. I'd be a whole lot better on the road if I knew that.
But I think it's just a routine thing. I'm able to get in the routine here. I have my places I go before starts at home, and obviously on the road, you're in a different city, so you can't do that. So hopefully that's what it is and I'll go about that tomorrow.

Q. After Jordan's start in Game 2, he said you have to worry about the top of their lineup and the bottom of their lineup, and how important it is to get them out. How do you view their lineup, not to have the middle of it, which is so potent, to hurt you?
ROSS DETWILER: Really, if you're going to get hurt, get hurt with nobody on base. I go back to walking all those guys and then giving up a double or triple, and it gets that easy when there's people on base and there's a lot more pressure on the pitcher.
When there's nobody on base, there's less pressure and you're able to put the pressure back on the hitter.

Q. If it's not giving too much away, what is your normal pregame routine, day before the game routine, that you like to go through when you're at home?
ROSS DETWILER: I like to just wake up whenever I wake up, don't set any alarms, get something small to eat. I don't have any big meals throughout the day. Just eat as much as I can. Get as many calories in as I can, just eat continuously through the day. That's about, without giving anything else away (smiling).