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Oct. 28 Ned Yost pregame interview

Q. Whether you win that game or lose that game, a draining affair, obviously. What are the bigger challenges for both teams, your team obviously, especially, coming back, I guess 19, 20 hours later after that marathon last night?

NED YOST: It's the World Series. Nobody gets much sleep. The players probably get more sleep than I do. I think I went to bed at 4:00 and I was up at 6:30. It's a fun time of year, that's what makes it so much fun. It's kind of exhausting, but it's exhilarating at the same time.

The two hours of sleep felt much better winning that game than they did losing that game.

Q. Alex Gordon mentioned yesterday how he had seen Familia quick pitch the previous hitter, so he was ready for it. What are your thoughts on the tactic for both sides, because you have a pitcher in Cueto who does it?

NED YOST: Again, I don't have any problem with it. For me what pitching about is disrupting timing for the hitter. And most of the time pitchers do it with fastballs, change-ups, sliders. Some guys do it disrupting their timing in their delivery. Johnny Cueto does it.

It's just a part of the game. And I don't think for me, I have no problem with it.

Q. From a hitter's perspective, you have to be ready for it?

NED YOST: Absolutely. But, see, in those situations if you do your homework, like they all do, they know what they're capable of doing and they're normally prepared for it.

Q. What do you know about Volquez's availability going forward and Chris Young, can he still start Game 4?

NED YOST: Yeah, yesterday our plan for Chris Young was that if we needed him we would use him 45 to 50 pitches and he would still be available in Game 4. It would be just like a short start and then coming back a day early. He hadn't pitched in six days. We wanted to use Chris in that situation knowing that Chris would be available for Game 4, we would have Kris Medlen long for Games 2, 3, 4. So it just was a perfect scenario there.

Last thing Eddie told the guys last night when he left is, I'll see you in New York. I expect Eddie to be there and ready to go for Game 5.

Q. Do you have Kelvin tonight?

NED YOST: I do. He's in my locker room. He's here.

Q. That's nice.

NED YOST: What we'll do probably with him, it won't be a multiple inning scenario, like it was last night. It could be to get us out of a jam. It could be for an inning, but out of all those relievers Kelvin bounces back better than all of them. Which is why we use him the majority of times in those multiple four out, five-out situations.

Q. When you woke up at 6:30, why didn't you try to go back to sleep?

NED YOST: Because I had to pack and there's 18 people coming over to the house for breakfast this morning. My wife was up, Andrew was sleeping on the couch, and then all of a sudden Jenny and Jordan came in. And then here comes everybody else. Sometimes it's hard, but you just put a smile on your face, and Hey, everybody (laughter).

Q. Collins talked about Perez, and said no big deal about the pine tar incident. Are you surprised it was brought up?

NED YOST: No, they look for any stupid thing to bring up. It's not illegal for a catcher to get an extra grip. A pitcher is illegal. But Sal is not putting anything on the ball for the pitcher. He uses it for his own, he just taps it lightly so that he gets a better grip when he throws, which is completely legal.

Q. Last year you and the Giants were so equal, you went down to the last pitch. Last night you and the Mets, same thing, down to the last pitch. Do you expect this World Series to go all the way down, just like it did last year?

NED YOST: It's going to be tough, yeah. Each and every game is going to be like it was last night, a grind, for both teams, both teams, because we are so equally matched. And we don't expect it to be easy, by any stretch of the imagination, no.

Q. You did it for a potential three-run lead two games ago, pinch-running, last night it was the potential lead run is the back run. How do you balance that particular move with Kendrys being out of the game?

NED YOST: Again, last night was a situation where you know they're bringing Familia in the ballgame. And the odds of bunching together two or three hits to not only tie the game, but take the lead, is probably not going to happen.

So you go for the win right there. You put Dyson in. Let Dyson steal second base, now runners at second and third and takes one hit to get Wade Davis in that ballgame. We were just going for the win right there. You don't get it and then you get what you get. You go through two other at-bats without Morales in the game. You can't play it safe when you're in the World Series, you go for the win.

Q. What about the previous win?

NED YOST: I don't even remember the previous win. I'm pretty sure we were going to win that game. I didn't worry about Morales coming back and getting anymore at-bats.

Q. Can you give us an update on Perez's hand?

NED YOST: He's fine.

Q. Escobar looked like he might have rolled his ankle.

NED YOST: He did a little bit when he hit third base. He's fine. Everybody is great. Everybody is good.

Q. Last night when you said that the club was contacted by Volquez's family, are you talking about family back at home?

NED YOST: I think Eddie's wife called Dayton and told him what had happened and Dayton came right in my office and told me. At that point I got Don Wakamatsu and Pedro Grifol in the office, because they're guys that I trust with every decision that we make, and what do we need to do here. And all of us came to the decision, we honored the family's wishes. She didn't want to tell Eddie. She wanted Eddie to pitch the game. He would be informed later.

As soon as the game was over his wife and kids and brother, they brought them into the clubhouse, and they all went into my office and shut the door.

Q. What has been your assessment of Perez so far?

NED YOST: I think he's been throwing the ball really well. He's a guy that's got three-plus pitches. If he's commanding his curveball, that's the big key for him. But he's had to face a tough Toronto lineup, a tough Houston lineup and I think he's thrown the ball really well up to this point.