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Oct. 6 Stephen Vogt workout day interview

Q. How do you feel? Have you processed last night's game and what you did yet?

STEPHEN VOGT: Not yet. It's a crazy feeling. I'm tired. Not much sleep last night.

Yeah, haven't really processed what happened last night. It's been a whirlwind. It's been a crazy, crazy few hours, I suppose. But, yeah, it's exciting.

Q. Have you heard from a lot of people you knew, like people you haven't heard from for years, that kind of thing? Is your phone blowing up?

STEPHEN VOGT: Absolutely. I've heard from a lot of people. It's been great. Just to see the support and the people that are in my life, have been in my life and just to get that kind of support and that kind of a great words from so many people I care about, it's been special.

Q. What was going on in your head leading up to that? Did you see this whole thing unfolding to the point where you might be in that position? What was your thought process? What was that even like for you?

STEPHEN VOGT: I knew I was due up fourth. I told myself: You get up this inning, you have a chance to win this. And when Seth got the base hit and got Cespe over to third, I had a good feeling they were going to walk Reddick. And the next thought was are they going to bring in a lefty or what are they going to do?

When they brought in Porcello, I was anxious, I was happy. Going through my head was just, I can't wait for this opportunity, this is going to be great.

Q. [Indiscernible]?

STEPHEN VOGT: Baseball wise, no. Maybe my first hit in the Big Leagues. But this blew that out of the water for sure.

Q. Something at another level?


Q. Porcello has that really nasty sinker. How did you manage the hit that ball in the air?

STEPHEN VOGT: I don't know. I told myself I wanted to see a pitch. I had never seen it before. And I knew he had a really good sinker and I had never seen it. So I wanted to see a pitch.

I was able to kind of see the sink on it in the first couple of pitches and be able to gauge it and just look for it to start in a certain area and just go attack it, so to speak. And fortunately, I was able to get it in the air. So that was good.

Q. Can you just talk about the Colon and Gray shutting down the Tigers' offense and expectations of Parker tomorrow and what you guys have been able to do to shut them down?

STEPHEN VOGT: I think it's just what they've been doing all year. Bartolo threw great in game one. They jumped on him early but he threw outstanding. And Sonny Gray was some kind of special last night.

And Parker's equally as good as those guys. He's going to go out and have a great game, and he's been throwing well for us all year. And I don't think it will be any different tomorrow night. Hopefully we can just continue to execute our game plan.

And that's been the biggest thing, is just these guys have been executing pitches all year and they were able to do it the last few nights.

Q. Stephen, how would you describe Jarrod Parker? What it's like working with him?

STEPHEN VOGT: He's fun to work with. He can throw any pitch any side of the plate, any location, and he's going to execute it more often than not. His demeanor, his composure, he's so stoic out there, you don't know what's going on and you don't know if he's giving up runs or throwing a shutout. And I think that's going to help him out.

Q. Are you surprised the way the series has gone so far, pretty low scoring? Or is it the old adage that good pitching is going to beat good hitting, especially in the playoffs?

STEPHEN VOGT: Yeah, exactly. I'm not surprised whatsoever that it's been a low scoring kind of back and forth. A lot of strikeouts on both sides.

And this series features a lot of good pitching, whether it be starters, bullpen, you name it. There's a lot of good pitchers in this series. For a real baseball fan, last night had to be one of the best games of the year, just watching a pitchers' duel like that and then obviously a walk off. That's fun.

Q. What do you think of what Yoenis Cespedes has been doing for you guys so far this postseason?

STEPHEN VOGT: He gets us going. He's leading us, taken the reins, so to speak, getting us excited. When he hits a ball, you can't help but get excited, how loud and how hard he hits the ball. He's just been great for us so far.

Q. Last night were you able to get any sleep at all? Were you too wired from the game? And the second one is: Have you seen Anibal Sanchez and what have you thought of him?

STEPHEN VOGT: To answer your first question, not much sleep. Got in early this morning and didn't really get any sleep on the plane and it was morning when we got here, so I wasn't really able to fall asleep.

But Anibal, obviously, his numbers speak for themselves. And he's a really good pitcher. I've faced him three or four times. He's outstanding. He's had a great year, and it's going to be a tough game tomorrow night. And we know he's going to be bringing his A game. And hopefully we are too.

And I'm sure it's going to be another close low scoring game because that's the way this series is going and that's the way these pitchers throw. You gotta give the pitchers all the credit.

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